The 3 Main Segments And The First Affiliated Faction.

As soon as Sebastian went back inside the cave with his electroreceptor skill still active, he heaved a sigh of relief as Tosh followed him in as he expected. Not only Tosh, the small shark, Shanks also followed him in.

"You really want to go hunting?" Tosh asked as soon as he entered the cave, having passed the 2 shark guards at the entrance.

"Yes, but first, you need to show me around".

After staying without food for a few hours, though the day already started getting dark, Sebastian now craved food badly.

But before going out to hunt for food, he decided that knowing the whole cave was a necessity. The first time when Tungsten and Verni took him through, he was only led through the periphery regions of the cave.

As this was probably going to be his home for the indefinite future, he wanted to know the ins and outs of the home.