Let's Go Hunting.

"The Ultimate Dissectors?" Nanga looked at the huge shark weirdly.

"Yeah, the ultimate dissectors". Sebastian replied with a confident smile.

Though his system already confirmed his creation of the hunting team, he still wanted to confirm it with Nanga who was in charge of the hall as that was the only way for it to be legally recognized by other sharks.

"Tosh, Shanks, do you both agree to become members of the Ultimate Dissectors hunting team?" Nanga turned to face the 2 sharks.

Tosh hesitated a bit but Shanks did not, he gave his consent immediately. Feeling Sebastian's gaze on him, Tosh finally smiled sheepishly and agreed.

It was not that he was forced, the thing was that despite his strength relative to other sharks and the fact that he's stayed a part of this shark clan for years, he was still not in any hunting team.