Speculations And The Reticular Activating System.

[You have eaten the meat of the Giant Squid: You have unlocked the basic profile information of the Giant Squid family.] 

[You have assimilated part of the Squid's magic essence: Your health points are slowly being restored at a rate of 10 HP/sec.]

Seeing this, a smile finally lit up Sebastian's sharky face since the encounter with the metal shark. He heaved a sigh of relief as this verified his theory about magic essence in Oceania creatures.

After a few minutes of digging into the Giant Squid's meat, it did not take him and Tosh much effort before they devoured the purple tier predator's meat.

After eating, Tosh asked for permission which he granted before going to a corner of another rock platform to sleep and rest. Though his participation in the previous battle was minimal, he still felt exhausted.