
Seeing this message, Tungsten kept quiet as he reflected on it. This message was for him because it was from his childhood friend and current greatest rival.

In the whole shark clan that was under the leadership of Old Mak, he and Torpedum were the only level 20 sharks at the pinnacle of the orange tier.

They were both given birth to in the same year, they grew up together at the same period, becoming friends in their tender years as a shark. As the years went by, with their ambition growing too, they slowly grew apart.

They were not enemies; they were rather bitter rivals.

Extracted from their last public duel, Tungsten was the stronger shark though their strength was almost tied. The main difference between them was in their adaptation and magic domain abilities.

Tungsten was a powerful light domain magician, while Torpedum was a powerful shark magician of the rare space domain.