Verni Taking Charge, Surrounding The Basking Shark!

Under the powerful and almost-indestructible jaws of the Basking Shark, Sebastian experienced the peak of agony. 

Apart from the extreme back pain, the damage to his skin adaptations made him feel like his flesh was being peeled away. 

The damages to the damage reflection and mana conductor skin coating made him feel like he just lost an important aspect of his body. He immediately felt out of place, suddenly being forced to adapt to living without them was hard.

The sensation of losing the mana conductor skin coating was worse. It made him feel inadequate all of a sudden. For the first time, he finally appreciated this adaptation's use as he found his mana conducting process now extremely slow.

His mana recovery speed was still the same. But when channeling magic power, it needed to pass through a process of changing reactions. This was what was affected, now this process was terribly slow.
