Emergence Of The Frightening Shadow Domain Praying Mantis!

The toad was shocked, extremely shocked.

The battle performance displayed by Sebastian and his team members already left him feeling shocked secretly, but the feeling that he felt from Sebastian the next moment was what left him really shocked.

As a toad with a bloodline that was not too up there in the food chain, he learned to battle and to survive with wits and intelligence. 

Through all his numerous near-death experiences, he developed a keen intuition towards danger. And for the first time in a while, he felt a feeling of extreme danger as soon as Sebastian activated his unique skill.

He didn't know what the shark was up to, but his survival instincts told him to run now and ask questions later.

The water made loud whooshing sounds as his deadly tongue adaptation shot out with speed, rotating and forming what seemed like a bubble cage with him at the center which prevented the sharks from attacking him.