The Hawk Eagle; A Cornered Shark!

Eagles are some of the largest birds ever known to man. They are at the top of the food chain, the bigshots of the wild air. Their most dangerous feature was their amazing eyesight, they could see up to 2 miles away.

Another fact about them was that they were birds of prey, they were never known to live on water. Well, in Oceania, this was different.

This dangerous Hawk Eagle that appeared was 3 meters long. It was smaller than all the other purple tier predators on this battlefield, but this did not lower its lethality in the slightest.

Clearly, this was a predator that focused on compact strength.

The powerful muscly legs of its 3 meters long body, powerful talons that could grab and tear flesh into pieces, a large hooked beak that could rip flesh apart, and its enormous powerful wings for swimming kept it at the top of the food chain.