I'm A Legend! I Dissected The First Magic Fish!

"Why not dissect this fish first…?"

"Why not dissect this fish first…?"

Immediately after this thought appeared in Sebastian's head, it kept on ringing like the ringing tone of his phone in his head. It could not be suppressed again, and he succumbed to it.

[You have activated skill: Battering Ram.]


With one slam from him, the Blue Tang fish that was already suffocating from him having taken the whole place in the hole immediately went still.

He controlled the impact of the ram to prevent the fish from dying immediately, but the force was still able to incapacitate it completely.

While he was still a white tier shark, Sebastian could already deal with Blue Tangs, now as an orange tier Megalodon, it was countless times easier.

Of course, before taking action, he already took into account that his Water Transmutation skill was locked.