Killer Move- Ten Thousand Years Of Pain!

Sebastian rushed out of the cave with a rough plan in mind.

The main point of his plan was to take advantage of his enemies' weak points, while the minor points of his plan that when added together cumulated the most importance was to react to any change in the situation as swiftly as possible.

This was his strategic counter against the outrageous power of bad luck.

In more understandable terms, he would follow the lead of his bad luck without cursing, complaining, despairing, or questioning. 

If rocks came at him, he would smash through them. If fire came at him, he would refine his body like gold through it without blinking an eyelid. If thunder and lightning came at him, he would diligently endure through it like a cultivator enduring through a lightning tribulation.

Back in his previous world, his natives called this perspective the legendary 'Anywhere belle face!'