Doctor Statham.

"…the Cobra is already dead, what a waste of resources".

"…reporting, the mutated Hawk-Eagle has also been confirmed to be dead".

"…this is a huge chance encounter; our mage detectors show that all 2 dead beasts are purple tier predators. 2 of the 3 surviving predators are purple tier also".

"…block the entrance, intercept the 2 escaping bastards!"

"…surround and round em up, shoot your enchanted harpoons, don't be stingy, these guys are dangerous".

"…elite team A, pressurized beams!"

"Yes Sir!"

Bam! Bam!

"…the toad has been shot, its speed slowed".

"…throw in the electromagnetic net".


"…the huge toad has been caught, but the giant Praying Mantis escaped".

"…intercept it. Fuck! It escaped".


"…this is cave exploration team 5-B, we need reinforcements, the Volcano Spiders has gone berserk".

"…send in a doctor also, we have a big fellow here who needs attention".