Unique System Clue.

[Unique System Clue: The Doppelganger and Invisibility King!]

[Clue Details: An alliance between the Atlantian race, the Dark Elf race, and the Snowmen race finally succeeded in hunting down the notorious Sea King, the Doppelganger and Invisibility King!]

[With the crux of his unique ability analyzed, and his weak point found, this Sea King was pushed into a corner. But as a peak Black tier predator, he escaped with the skin of his teeth using a forbidden skill.]

[Despite his escape, he was dying. Before dying, he set an inheritance with his unique skill as the ultimate goal, then he self-destructed.]

[In a month and 3 weeks, the node of the inheritance would drift towards the Ku Niu Ocean volcano, starting another inheritance struggle.]

[Only the strongest would benefit, this is a contest of the fittest!]


[Ocean Domination Mission: Unique Skill Hunter.]