Escape [3].

Wom! Wom!

"Intruders!" "Intruders!"

"Damn! What happened? It's already so late in the night".

Inside one of the most heavily guarded and pivotal quarters of the Crimson Fleet camp, a commotion started as the workers woke up from their slumber to the sharp alarming sounds of the system A.I.

This chamber was the central control quarters [C.C.Q] where every electronics-related machine of the fleet was master controlled.

The work of the crew here was not only to master control the electronics-related machines, but they were also in charge of the security cameras. The walls of this huge chamber were filled with virtual screens.

In these virtual screens, every part of the fleet camp was being shown.

At this moment, the dozens of workers were startled by not only the warning sound but also the alarming red light that repeatedly blinked in the virtual screens.

"Narrow it down!" An authoritative voice suddenly ordered.