Escape [7].

Huff! Huff!

Sergeant Barnes let in deep gasps for breath in the water, his eyes were red, and his lungs felt fried. If not because of his water-mutated gills, such violent gasps for breath would have long choked him.

His body was filled with injuries, his blood seeped out from every orifice of his body as the pain stimulated his brain in waves, making him feel slightly dizzy.

At the place where he stood, he could feel his brain oscillating like electromagnetic waves. The world felt like a spiraling giant wheel to him, everything was spinning and was upside down.

The previous battle battered him badly.

Despite his sorry state, this Sergeant was not worried about his body. His mind was completely preoccupied with the previous battle.

He arrived as a hero, but he was beaten black and blue like a thief. He couldn't even fulfill the reason why he entered the battlefield, rather he became a magnet that attracted more trouble to his subordinates.