Lightning Thrashing!

At the entrance of the rock cave where Sebastian turned into his new base.

The 2 soldiers that were left behind to guard the entrance to the cave looked alertly at their surroundings, while also paying attention to everything that was going on inside the cave.

Individually, they were both heavy punchers and few predators could stand their might but they were never arrogant. 

Prudence, seriousness, and staying calm in dangerous situations were one of the most important qualities that made them elite Atlantian soldiers.


"We suffered an ambush!"

As soon as they heard this through their ear comm, their ears stood as erect as antennas as their blood pressure increased immediately. Adrenaline flowed through them as they seemed to develop heightened senses instantly.

Their eyes that now shone like lanterns on a Christmas night roamed the surroundings even more alertly.
