The Deduced Location Of The Unique Inheritance.

In just a few minutes after the first clash between the Atlantian soldiers and the predators, the Atlantians were forced to retreat, leaving Sebastian, Tonado, and Elder Shine behind in the cave.

A few seconds passed before the retreat of the soldiers was confirmed, this was when a group of familiar Great White Sharks swam into the cave.

"They escaped".

Hearing Old Mak's voice, Sebastian turned to face him calmly like the situation was completely under his control. 

"Yes, they escaped, but it doesn't matter because I got what I wanted".

As soon as he said this, the slight foggy mist that covered the battlefield that was induced by the intensity of the previous battle was cleared up more as a pair of human hands appeared. 

This was a magic manifestation that Sebastian secretly created and hid inside the chaos during the previous battle without alerting the Atlantian soldiers, not even his comrades knew of it.