A Surprising Welcome.

Sebastian received the warmest reception that he never expected on his return to Old Mak's Shark Clan. His entrance with the 5 biggest and most powerful sharks in the clan made it all the more iconic.

Of course, coming in with him was all that the elders did, without saying a word to him, they acknowledged the greeting from the enthusiastic sharks that saw them before going to each of their chambers in the cave.

With this, Sebastian was quickly left with the 2 most enthusiastic members of his shark hunting team. And they gave him some surprising piece of news.

Surprisingly, despite his absence for over a month, Verni and Tosh were able to keep the dream of the Ultimate Dissectors team alive. Sebastian was seriously shocked on hearing this.

The focal reason that led to the shark hunting team surviving was the astonishingly successful first hunt that they experienced under the leadership of their powerful team leader.