Old Mak's Lecture.

The Ultimate Dissectors hunting team was experiencing a period of success and rapid growth after their third official hunting mission.

Against all odds, this new hunting team that was created by the new shark became the ultimate winner of the wide-scale hunting mission whose reward was an additional 5000 Shark points to the hunting team.

With an astonishing record of 4 purple tier predator kills, the looting of 1 magic weapon, and killing over 2500 predators who were below the purple tier, they overtook the 2nd placed team by a large margin.

Torpedum's Genius White hunting team came 2nd with 1 purple tier predator kill and over 2000 kills of predators below the purple tier.

Tungsten's Gigantic White hunting team came 3rd with 1 purple tier predator kill and over 2000 kills of predators below the purple tier.

Strong's Shark Power hunting team came 4th with 1 purple tier predator kill, and over 1500 kills of predators below the purple tier.