The Battle Of The Real Contenders! [1]

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sounds of the 3 silhouettes rapidly closing in from the distance reverberated through the water as every single contender for this inheritance suddenly felt the boss music that was playing in the water.

The boss music was an epic and rapid mechanical one, the one that could make blood burn hot, the one that could make brains emit steam due to heat, and the one that could make adrenaline course through veins madly.

Though the Space Beast was an enormous monster that towered at an outrageous size of 30 meters, the battle between it and the powerful Atlantian Captain was one whose time was measured in milliseconds.

The battle was extremely fast-paced, starting and ending in mere seconds.

Due to this, though the Space Beast was currently severely injured after the hit by the Atlantian Captain's killer move, as soon as Captain Omega was distracted by the newcomers, it successfully escaped.