Awakening Of The Catacomb Disaster!

On entering this familiar and gloomily dangerous region where most of the area was filled with darkness, Sebastian was left shocked. 

"The Catacombs?!"

His mind was thrown into chaos as he experienced mixed emotions.

Outside the inheritance ground when the battle to secure the entrance was still ongoing when he saw the deadly predator called the Speed Demon become the first to enter the inheritance ground, he confirmed the location of the entrance.

The Sea King Inheritance was unexpectedly planted in a region of this seamount where he originally half-explored once.

Immediately as he knew this, he was happy, thinking that he had some form of information advantage over others. But when he finally entered the inheritance ground, his advantage hopes were ruthlessly crushed.

When his system indicated that he was trapped inside a Virtual-Reality domain, optimism returned, but he tried to suppress it to avoid being disappointed.