Threading A Thin Thorny Line To Reap All The Benefits! Evolution!


Sebastian heaved a deep sigh of relief.

Even at this moment, he could feel his hands and feet shaking as the pressure of the previous situation that he found himself in and the fact that he was able to survive unscathed finally settled in.

The past few minutes were really of him walking at the edge of a sharp blade, any risky venture and he could be easily split into two by the sharp edge.

The risks were huge, and so were the benefits if he succeeded.

His body felt so tense at this moment that though he already heaved a sigh of relief, he could still feel his shaking body.

This was Sebastian's most thrilling and dangerous encounter in both his lives! All he could describe it with was dangerous and weirdly satisfying.

The scene between him and the Doppelganger and Invisibility Sea King that just ended seemed like a perfect scenario of dominance, but Sebastian knew that this was not the case.