Battle Of The Big Guns!

"Prepare the rapid-laser turrets for fire, time in 00:00:08!"

"Erect the shield generator, install the T-937-B19 chemical formula!"

"Bring the physical armor damage reflectors online! Permission to activate special defense- Plasma Tech approved!"

"Pin the 2 Red tiers down with our ultra-grade sensors, bombard them with ballistic missiles! Tear their skin open with the G-grade Torpedoes! Pinpoint their heat signals and unleash the heat seekers!"

"Special unit V, warm up the Positron Rifles!"

"Special unit A, warm up the Kinetic Rifles!"

"Hold steady, keep your ears peeled open, and operate with your hands and your heart!"



Rapid-laser fire erupted, submerging the environment with a noise like those of a thousand buzzing mosquitoes while the temperature rapidly heated up as deadly laser beams cut through the water resistance with astonishing speed towards their targets.