The Escape [1]!

The ultimate inheritor, the inheritor of the Doppelganger and Invisibility unique skill, the inheritor that was being sought after was finally found!

The effects of this discovery were immediate. Magic ripples seemed to sweep through every predator and Atlantian soldier on the battlefield at this moment as their gaze that was being directed at this predator became heated. 

For centuries, Sea Kings have always been feared and adored, and this was mostly because of the mythical and iconic unique skills that they wielded.

The prospect of getting to wield a unique skill was just too exciting for any predator to resist. Not even Black tier predators could resist it, the desire was even more prominent to predators of this exalted tier.

After a series of events where their hopes were continually ignited only for it to fall again, a real chance at hitting a jackpot finally presented itself before these bloodthirsty predators.