Battle For Revenge And Survival!

The die was cast!

As soon as Torpedum attacked, the stamp that destroyed Sebastian's hopes of escaping was unleashed. And as soon as Lieutenant Lookman attacked, the 2-fold defense erected by Elder Marble and Elder Shine was also destroyed.

This meant that Sebastian and his cadre of Great White Sharks were exposed to outside aggression which was not too far away at this moment.

With the Atlantians intervening, Torpedum was able to safeguard his life as this enormous Great White Shark made use of the advantages of his space domain magic to escape Sebastian's area of influence.

The army of variant human races that was now descending in the direction of the seamount after expanding their battle zone was still a distance away, but Atlantis still had the qualifications to fight this battle.

The Atlantian military force that was currently on hand had 2 war champions.