Volcanic Eruption!

With his master dead, and all the elders that he grew up to respect and look up to now on a suicide mission, Tungsten was left all alone with a heap of new responsibilities that weighed on him like a mountain.

Despite the magnitude of his new responsibilities, Tungsten was a good shark, he vowed not to let the expectations of his elders down.

Apart from the main force that was organized by the variant human races and the Red tier predators, other minor greedy mutated beasts who were after Sebastian still came after them and this posed a huge hindrance.

At this moment, after Sebastian's powerful display minutes ago, he was now the undisputed strongest among the escapees but he was no longer at his peak.

After the bombardment from so many enemies, despite Sebastian's tyrannical Megalodon recovery speed, some injuries lingered and all these made sure that he couldn't return to his peak in the long term.