Starting Anew.

Back in the barren wasteland, 1 month after the volcanic eruption.

This originally extreme but prosperous region was now a mere shadow of its former self. Ravaged by the aftereffects of the volcanic eruption, this region was devoid of its usual boisterousness and life.

Silence and stillness were the predominant states now.

Even the water hardly rippled as there were no external forces to act on it. The few waves and ripples were caused by disturbances that traveled from extremely far distances through the waves in the water.

The ocean volcano that once served as a huge ecosystem for different organisms, and a decent battleground for predators was no more.

Crack! Crack!

In this silent wasteland, a cluster of rocks suddenly started shaking and vibrating like an external force was acting on them from underneath the seabed as cracks rapidly spread through their frames.
