The Music District; Clues About The Motherf*cker Lord.

"1…, 2…, 3, Go!"

"…I like to move it, move it".

"…He likes to move it, move it".

"…She likes to move it, move it".

"…We like to…"


"Holy man!" Sebastian exclaimed again, but this time with a lower and more astonished tone as all his ears and his entire being listened to this familiar music.

When Sebastian first heard that there was a music district in the residential zone, he was attracted to the prospect of seeing it immediately as he was curious to see a whole district of clownfish that was dedicated to music.

Though things like this were not a rarity in the part of his previous world that he came from, he never expected to see something like this in a monster city.

He was thrilled to see singing clownfish!

Just the thought of it left imaginary bolts of electricity going through his body that stimulated his excitement so much that he was stoked to see it.