Sebastian, The Music Shark.

"Senoras y senores".

"Buenas tardes, buenas noches".

"Buenas tardes, buenas noches".

"Senoritas ye senores".

"To be here with you tonight brings me joy, que alegria".

"For this music is my language, and the world es mi familia".

"For this music is my language, and the world es mi familia".

"For this music is my language"

"And the world…, es mi familia!!!"

This was the music district; it was a district of the residential zone where virtually every clownfish and visiting mutated beast were music fanatics.

Their brains tick at the sound of music, most especially good music, and the one that Sebastian sang was great. These music fanatics only needed to hear Sebastian sing it 3 times before they familiarized themselves with it.