Anatomy Book- Sebastian And Jakren's Research On Mana Cores.

Sebastian reported to work the next day with a different swagger in his swim steps. It was no trivial matter to being a senior anatomist so he deserved it.

Back on earth, he could not also boast of himself being the best in his field though he voted his passion for anatomy as number 1. Now in this world, getting his main occupation validated again left him feeling excited.

"I wish Dave was here to see this, I'm now a magic anatomist".

Sebastian swam to the main lab feeling super excited.

"Welcome to work, Senior anatomist John Cena!" All the junior anatomists yelled excitedly as the main protagonist of yesterday's drama finally arrived.

On seeing the surprising welcome that he was not used to, Sebastian looked suspiciously at Jakren who at this moment looked like a celebrity anatomist.

In the end, he shrugged his comrades' shenanigans off. He would not be able to persuade them to not call him in the first place, so he simply gave up.