Invoking Martial Law!

"This is my order, dispatch all the shock response elite teams to the zone of transition!"

"Activate the apocalypse level military alert!"

"The whole city is to go into a state of absolute martial law!"

"Redistribute all the troops that are currently guarding the factory zone to the zone of transition!" 

"Redistribute 80% of the troops that are currently guarding the central business district to the entrance of the zone of glory!"

"Make sure the corridor is stuffed full, I mean absolute defense!"

The Chief Councilor slowed down a bit on getting to this point before he became firm in his decision. "Unleash the Doom Destroyers!"

"Position all of them to reinforce and become the main defense force of the roundabout corridor leading to the zone of glory!"

"Like in all scenarios where we have to activate the apocalypse level military alert, change the defense formation into the concentric defense formation!"