The Might Of The 5 Snake Overlords!

[You have activated skill: Combined Super Sensing!]

Due to the astonishing speed that he moved at; Sebastian's strongest sensory skill was deactivated but he had to activate it again since what he saw upfront told him that he needed it.

During the first time that Sebastian had the privilege of coming to the zone of transition, among the many admirable things about this zone, the massive gates that separated the major zones caught his attention the most.

Then, Sebastian was like, which metal was used to make these outrageous gates?! But now, Sebastian's mind just went brrr!

"What the freaky f*ck?!"

Though Sebastian already deactivated his 2 movement skills with the intention to stop moving forward, it was when the gate started getting bigger in his sight that he remembered the term called momentum.

"F*ck! Brake! Stop! Stop!"

[You have activated skill: Mega Dash!]