Aftermath Of The War, And Celebrations.

After the conquest against the snakes, Sebastian was now level 28. 

Killing the Ancient Basilisk gave him 2 level-ups which was a far cry from what he originally gained from killing Red tier predators in the orange tier realm, and the further rampage on the snakes gave him another level up.

This further highlighted the difficulty of leveling up at the purple tier realm. 

Sebastian could now understand why some predators spent decades and centuries at a single tier before being able to evolve, he felt for them. 

Despite the increasing difficulty, his luck was that he also became more proficient at leveling up. Coming to the Anemone Domain proved to be his lucky charm, enabling him to level up 3 times consecutively.

In just a few months, he already leveled up 7 times with increased difficulty. He would have never been able to do this in normal circumstances, or if he was a normal predator.