Start Of The Legend.

After planning for well over 2 months, Sebastian was finally confident enough to take his ultimate living doppelganger plan to the next level.

Throughout these 2 months, not only did he engage in intensive research as much as possible about Space Beasts, to know their habitat, nature, and hobbies, he also tried to fulfill one of his ultimate ambitions which was getting his hands on a real Space Beast.

With time, Sebastian understood the requirements of his Doppelganger and Invisibility unique skill more and tried to work around it.

He knew that to create the extremely complicated Space Beast living doppelganger that he wanted, he needed to go more than just basic research, he needed to access the real body of a Space Beast.

This time, he wanted the perfect living Doppelganger, and with this discovery, he knew that the only way to make his ambitious plan a success was to dissect a real literal Space Beast.