Grouping Up With The Clownfish Empire's Strike Force.

Sebastian's living doppelganger left the secret base with his assistant.

After months of staying together, Doctor Josephine was already akin to an inseparable sidekick to Sebastian. Spending months with an iconic existence like Sebastian was something that most variant humans never experienced in lifetimes.

When she was first kidnapped by Sebastian, she obliged his demands only to safeguard her life. She planned to make the Megalodon lower his vigilance towards her, then she would strike when the iron was hot.

Her strike plan was of course contacting her Empire, and making another Division Fleet descend on the Megalodon, annihilating it for good.

But with time, her plans changed.

Sebastian's living body was not just an extremely handsome variant human, his knowledge about anatomy was outstanding even for her standards, and he had a peculiar personality that appealed to her.