The Mighty Megalodon Vs The Indomitable Leviathon!

As soon as the blood-red eyes of the Leviathon clashed with the pitch-black eyes of the Megalodon, sparks seemed to erupt in the water as it seemed like a visual tug of war just started.

The narrowed eyes of the Leviathon narrowed even further.

In myth, Leviathans were known to have high intelligence and in Oceania, Leviathons were also known to have high intelligence.

Once they grew past the young stage of the purple tier, their evolution was not just a simple growth of strength, it was a growth of character, personality, and intelligence, it was an all-rounded growth.

This Leviathon had lived over half a century already. Compared to other pinnacle Red tier predators, his life was short but his intelligence and strength were stronger than all those century-old monsters.

This was why he did not blindly decide to escape once he detected a part of his mighty strength being suppressed once the green light entered his body.