Need For Speed; Thinking Outside The Box.

After 2 weeks of nonstop work, research, and experiments on different beast samples, the anatomists in the 1st Den of Anatomy finally had their first day of rest to celebrate the 2 successes.

Even for the highest level of professionals of every field, working nonstop for a long period was detrimental, rest was essential.

The anatomists deserved the rest as their work rate exceeded Sebastian's expectations in these 2 weeks. The constantly high energy levels, enthusiasm, and a lot of other factors were what facilitated the 2 successes.

Having recognized the hard work of his subordinates, Sebastian gave them the reward that they were due, which was a nice day of rest.

He didn't just do this, he splurged money to fulfill all of their more modest wishes. For that day, they had the opportunity to eat any meat and as much as they wanted, even the meat of purple tier beasts.