Locating The Lair.

The next day, a large group of Great White Sharks departed from this region of the Green Mist Sea in 2 different directions.

Sebastian could not convince Shackard, the clan head of the Triton Clan so they had no choice but to go their separate ways.

Sebastian could not blame her though. This was almost the same situation when he told Old Mak about the incoming disaster of the Sea King Inheritance, the only difference was that Old Mak knew him, while he was just meeting Shackard.

No matter how strong he was, it was still a fact that Shackard was older, probably wiser than him, and was also a powerful predator to booth.

It was not arrogance; it was simply being rational. When the clan head of the Triton Clan weighed her chances, she decided that taking their plan was the best way for her to safeguard her clan.