A Memorable Night.

After looking through Sebastian's status, Eliana finally understood why he was the original reincarnation target. Though she never said it out loud, her respect for Sebastian grew after going through his status.

Despite having a worse starting point than she did, and not getting a powerful backer like the Clown Empire, he still thrived and achieved so much.

This time, Eliana could not excuse this to the fact that she was a clownfish while Sebastian started as a Great White Shark.

The difference between their stats, skills, and origin law comprehension when they were both at the purple tier realm was so big that she was left speechless. Sebastian was really one of a kind.

She didn't think she would have been able to achieve the same in his position. Yes, he made a lot of stupid decisions which was normal when under such pressure, it was his improvisation that enabled him to get to where he was.