Final Preparations; Start Of The Main Experiment.

[Congratulations! Mind Bottleneck has been broken!]

[Host has achieved Intermediate level Mind Control!]

Sebastian was surprised by this sudden notification from his system, but he was not too surprised once he thought deeper about it.

Since day 1 even before he arrived at the Rainbow Waterfall after Eliana confessed her feelings to him, he had been in a situation that he could only describe as a heightened state of mind.

In this heightened state of mind, he became easily excited, any external stimuli could make him happy faster than it could have done before.

The confession affected his psychological state of mind more than he expected. After a long time of being referred to as the crazy dissector, though he knew that it was mostly for jest, he was still affected by this nickname.

Being called the crazy dissector, though Sebastian was proud of it, for some reason he always felt that he wasn't loved as much as he expected from people.