
Captain Omega thought that he was a strong-willed warrior and he always felt proud of it, but as he looked at this Megalodon again, his worst horrors seemed to be manifesting into reality before him. 

Captain Omega reacted like a frightened kid who watched a horror movie, his bloodied lips shook as his broken teeth clapped against each other.

Captain Omega's reaction was at the very bottom of the spectrum, the 6 bounty hunters had an even more extreme reaction.

After being beaten to a near-death state where their consciousness was already hovering between life and death, they already lost everything but they still shuddered in fear as Sebastian's ghostly pitch-black eyes stared them down.

Without them knowing, they already messed themselves up.

Seeing the embarrassing scene that was before him, Sebastian grinned before turning to face the metal man who coughed blood on feeling his gaze.

[You have activated skill: Sonic Magic Teeth!]