Red Tier Evolution!

[Host's evolution process has started. You have only 30 minutes to contemplate and make the choices that you want for your evolution route.]

[Your remaining evolution time- 29: 54.]

[Make your choices.]

Once the system broadcasted this, it took another second as it seemed to recalibrate itself before another line of notifications was broadcasted.

[Does host want to start viewing evolution options now?]

"Hell yeah!"

Being a veteran of the evolution process already, Sebastian knew that wasting time was like shooting himself in the foot which was why he gave the go-ahead for his system to continue the due process without much fanfare.

[Affirmative! Evolution system store has been actively accessed.]

[Host Megalodon evolution options are as follows:]

-        Mystery Pryer Megalodon- Shark.

-        Vampire Megalodon- Shark.

-        Shapeshifter Megalodon- Shark.

-        Soul Affinity Megalodon- Shark.