New Benefits And Power-Leveling.

After the handover was completed, Sebastian became the new owner of the legendary Tower of Sukkot, a magic tower that was being sought by numerous Black tier predators for centuries without success.

This once again confirmed one belief of Sebastian's, whoever does not believe in luck is a loser. You respect luck after being a victim or benefactor of it.

With his 2 new Magic Gadgets, Sebastian was set to face the world, most especially the Dungeon of Souls again as a Red tier predator.

Previously, as a purple tier predator, his involvement in the war between the Necromancy Empire and the Killer Whale Empire was limited but as a Red tier predator now, Sebastian could not wait to start wreaking havoc.

With his normal magic and telekinesis skills paired with Goldie and his bloodline powers, Sebastian was already at the pinnacle of the Red tier realm.