Ghost Basin- Enter Now Or Forever Remain Ignorant!

[Special System Clue: The Temple of Enlightenment.]

[Details: The Temple of Enlightenment is the peak of enlightenment into the Great origin Dao. Basking in its aura after it opens is a once-in-lifetime opportunity.]

[Further Details: The Temple of Enlightenment resolves around a cycle of opening every millennium. A thousand years already passed; the Temple of Enlightenment will open 4 months from now.]

Sebastian felt like it was just yesterday when he first received this system notification clue but 4 months already passed, he felt like he was dreaming.

After he first received the clue about the temple of enlightenment from his system, he embarked on a quest to know more about this mysterious temple, and in the end, Eliana was the one who updated his knowledge on it.