War Campaign!

"Mobilize 4 of the 9 Mega Fleets!"

"Mobilize half of the Division Fleets!"

"Let them all come out, let them follow their Queen into battle!"

"Let them follow me as we go to fulfill the mandate of our ancestors!"

As Queen Auralis made her latest decree to the Atlantis Empire while the scribes rapidly scribbled away, the blood of the Atlantian soldiers boiled as the glory of fighting and dying for their Empire quickly took over them.

Just like the other Beast and variant human Empires who were ambitious and were ready to expand, the Atlantis Empire though currently being the overlord was ambitious to expand too.

For far too long already, the Atlantis Empire though extremely powerful had sat on that pedestal of security which made them laid-back a bit.

Queen Auralis knew of this and knew the danger that was associated with it.