The New Sebastian!

The Atlantian Domain…

Underneath the Atlantis Empire where the most dreaded dungeon of all Oceania lay, alongside the numerous war prisoners and criminals that were imprisoned and tortured was a young handsome Atlantian.

Sebastian was about to undergo another round of torture; this was his daily food as the Atlantian guards did not dare to defy the will of their Queen.

He already got his morning dose of torture; this was the afternoon dose.

"What are your plans?"


"Where will your other bodies strike next?"


"Answer me filthy piece of sh*t!"

"F*ck you…!"

On hearing this slow and calmly pronounced curse, the Atlantian guard who was questioning the prisoner paused as the word slowly sank into his brain. The next moment, his eyes turned red as smoke seemed to come from his head.

Bonk! Bonk!