Coming To An Agreement.

"F*ck! I can't believe I have to do this again".

Despite his complaints, the legendary Golden Torch did not renegade on his promise as he reluctantly stood up from the company of the female Crabs.

He directed one last hateful glare at Sebastian before leading the way deep inside this remote region. Sebastian only smiled before following the massive Crab as he was soon led to the legendary forge of the Golden Torch.

Like Sebastian expected of such a reputable and legendary craftsman, the Golden Torch's forge was a massive Ocean Volcano.

This Ocean Volcano was bigger than the one where Sebastian spent his time in Old Mak's clan. After centuries of work, the Ocean Volcano was already massively transformed to become the perfect forge for the Golden Torch.

Sebastian saw massive machinery constructs that spanned across this massive ocean volcano, all of these aided in the Crab's legendary craftwork.