The Fall Of Atlantis!

The Atlantians and their allies were fighting a losing war.

With the return of Sebastian to the battlefield with his 48 living doppelgangers, the situation of the war experienced a complete U-turn.

The Atlantian allied force that seemed on the verge of victory just a few hours ago experienced a great fall that deprived them of any chances of emerging victorious, they were completely stripped of the initiative.

The only reason why they had not lost yet was the sheer number of soldiers that they had. Even though their opponents completely dominated the war at the moment, it would take a long time to kill them all.

The more Queen Auralis saw the situation of the war, the more frustrated she became. She already tried different tactics to kill the loathsome Sebastian but none of them worked as her life was rather put in danger.

On her War Pegasus, she watched with rage evident in her eyes as Sebastian spread havoc everywhere on this massive battlefield.