A Convenient Target

Samantha's recent life had been full of constant ups and downs, with her mood repeatedly going from delighted to depressed and then back again, over and over!

On one hand, she had received her father's 'blessings' for her relationship with Emilia. However reluctant he may have been, she now had his 'go ahead, since it already happened anyway, just don't tell your mom'. As long as Emilia cooperated a little…

However, Emilia left at such a time!

Well, maybe that was the reason she got such an 'opportunity' in the first place, so she could still barely accept that. All she had to do was wait a little anyway, right?

And just when she had managed to settle her mood, her mother called in to ask if Noelle was 'available', and if she would be alright with having her secretary replaced.

What a joke! Half the calls that her sister made these days were for Noelle! If she really gave the girl up, wouldn't that cut her time talking to Emilia by at least half?!