

Even though Samantha spent the next five minutes continuously explaining how amazing her little sister was, Mrs. White could barely keep up with less than half of what she was saying. 

'E-Eh? W-Why would she know that? No no, w-why would I think weird things?! Emilia probably kissed her cheek, and this silly goose got so happy, un un. That's definitely it.'

Mr. White prayed to all the deities that did or did not exist that his wife wouldn't be able to figure anything out, as blatant as Samantha was being while praising her little sister to high heavens. 'And Samantha, for the love of god, don't you dare mention something like the taste of her tongue next—'

In the end, maybe even the gods pitied the poor man, because not only did Samantha not mention such a thing, even his wife really did somehow miss all the signs in front of her. "A-Alright, alright, Sam, stop. I'll admit it!"