A Burden?


Although the girl had changed a lot since Crystal last saw her — going from being frighteningly skinny to only a little underweight — her face hadn't filled up quite enough for Michelle to become unrecognizable in the blonde's eyes.

Just as Crystal was about to say something, however, Emilia cleared her throat. "By the way, we've been here for so long, but why is the table still empty? I'd assumed the two of you must have already ordered something, but…?"

Obviously, she had been looking forward to chomping down some delicious snacks while chatting with her darlings to relax after the stressful day, but all she got was disappointment.

Given that this was pretty much their own restaurant, it can't be that the serving staff were intentionally snubbing them, right? Emilia couldn't help but be a little confused. 'I-Is this their form of protesting against bad wages or something?'