You're not the only one who can tease!


Surprisingly enough, Emilia didn't seem to mind it at all. "I don't need you to see me as a 'superior' anyway. For those I like, I always allow the privilege of treating me as an equal."

With her attempt at teasing the little beauty failing so miserably, the older girl felt like she had just punched cotton.

Of course, Noelle hadn't known Emilia so long in vain, and knew exactly what to do to make her pout. "Since that is so, you can forget about ordering me to get things done in the future. I'll do as I please, and will only help you when I feel like it."

And as expected, Emilia's previously serene expression immediately turned a little dark. "No! I don't allow it!"

Noelle felt her heart skip a beat as she saw the distress in the younger girl's eyes, but steeled her expression just in time. "So? Are you going to force me?"

This was something she was curious about anyway, so might as well take the chance to ask.